Monday, July 14, 2014

Some people grow up wanting to become a Doctor, Lawyer, Firefighter, or a Teacher. I wanted to be a Ballerina! Graceful, delicate, dancing around in pink. Growing up there are the people who whisper into one ear, "You can be anything you want to be." Then there are the select others, "That is not a real job." When you mature the naysayers multiply, their voice amplify with great magnitude. Those soft whispers of encouragement evanesced away.

I am older now and my pink slipper ambitions have been traded in for ambitions of becoming a world renowned Social Entrepreneur. I have found my niche and now seek avenues of fulfillment. I am literally a lifelong seeker of  "warm fuzzies". I have been on the job market for quite some time now seeking positions within non-profit organizations with no luck. I have always heard if you can not find a job create one. I want a career and lifestyle of that of an inspiring change agent. Encouraging young women to become and be whom ever they want to be. I want to provide a network, funding, and education to help other people find and activate their niche, because I am fulfilled through this. I want to be a philanthropist, better yet a FABLANTHROPIST!

Follow me on my journey of working with many different charitable organizations, foundations, and other fablanthropists as I build an empire on a platform of marketing, networking, fundraising, and charitable giving. I seek to travel the world and change lives one scholarship... mission trip... word of encouragement at a time.

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